I am currently writing an application that converts an input string or file of text to, what in Sweden is called, "the robber language". This means that I input a series of chars after a noun.
Example: Hello my name is clubt
Hohelollolo momy nonamome isos coclolubobtot
as you can see I insert an o and the current noun after read noun so m = mom n = non etc.
My problem is that I want to be able to read (Swedish) .txt-files with (å,ä,ö) and convert to/from this "lanuage", but if I use locale::global(locale("swedish")) then the entire language is changed all over, I just want to make this conversion of language to one cout, is this possible? I have also tried to read up on imbue but with no success.
Well my problem is that I have created a "graphical" menu in the console, but if I change the language to Swedish and return to the menu the graphics have changed. Therefore I am interested in temporary change the language to Swedish when I read the txt-file and then switch it back to the "standard"-language before I return to menu (i.e read my function menu()).
Thanks for your reply, I appreciate all help I can get!