Assigning textbox.text to string array in Managed C++

What is the exact line of code to put the value of textbox.text into a string array and where exactly should I put it in the managed c++ code?
Wait wait wait... string array?

Either way, although this is probably a homework problem (>_>), I'll pretty much give you the solution in the form of a pointer to a website. ;)

Happy learning!

Did you read the question?
Yes, I read the question. However, I gave you a link to a tutorial that would let you know about how to do this in standard C++ for two reasons.

1: It's standard C++, which is, as the name implies, the standard. If you program in it, you will get a lot more support and your program will run on more platforms (it has no reason not to, does it?).

2: Microsoft deprecated the Managed Extensions for C++. If you're hellbent on using a Microsoft version of C++, I'd suggest going with C++/CLI, which was meant to supersede Managed C++.

Is this the best you can do?
Do you, by any chance, know a guy named "spoon licker"? Somehow you remind me of him.
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