In this program, it's supposed to read data from a file, prompt user for a word to search -like google- count the total words and number of occurrences that the word appeared. Everything works fine and dandy except the function that counts the number of occurrences - returnParticularWord. It keeps returning a zero value, and for the life of me, I don't know why.
Please, any help would be greatly appreciated.
The code is below:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
//Function Protorypes
void getInputFile(ifstream & in, string & filename);
int returnTotalWordsInFile(ifstream & in);
int returnNumberOfParticularWord(ifstream & in, string & filename, string & word);
int main ()
//Prompt user for file input
ifstream in;
cout<<"Please enter the name and full path of the file that you would"<<endl;
cout<<"liked to be searched: "<<endl;
string filename;
//First function. This is the one that is getting skipped for some reason.
getInputFile(in, filename);
//Initializing variables
string text;
string word = "";
//Prompt user for the selected word.
cout<<"Please enter the word that you want to search"<<endl;
cout<<"(Only in lowercase): "<<endl;
int total = returnTotalWordsInFile(in);
int select = returnNumberOfParticularWord(in, filename, word);
cout<<"The total number of words in the file is "<<total<<endl;
cout<<"Your word appears "<<select<<" times."<<endl;
double relevancy = ((1.0*select)/(1.0*total))*100;
cout<<"Your relevancy rating is "<<fixed<<setprecision(1)<<relevancy<<" %."<<endl;
return 0;
void getInputFile(ifstream & in, string & filename)
//Open the selected filename.
I assume that since eof was reached in returnTotalWordsInFile, returnNumberOfParticularWord doesn't get to read anything at all. See
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