need some guide

hi, i am new to linux cpp programming
previously , i worked on symbian developing.
but now i decide to turn to linux.
what IDE and SDK are recommended for cppp developing under linux ?

need help

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Code::Blocks performs well. It's a personal best for me.
code::blocks is nice

i prefer geany, though
Thanks alot !
i am going to try.
gcc + vi is all you need. My personal favorites.
it is also my favorites
Uh, can anyone please explain me what's so great about vi/vim? Sure, it's geeky and therefore cool, but from what I can tell so far it does not seem to have any features you would not find in a more modern text editor or IDE - unless cryptic key commands count as a feature.
@sadavied g++/gcc with (almost) any text editor ftw :D

@hanst99 I haven't used vim much myself, but what I've heard you can create your own commands and customize it in pretty much every way. So that might be a benafit! :D
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I use vi because I do most all of my coding in Linux. I'm a command-line guy. I don't really care to use a GUI interface when it comes to coding and maintaining my servers.
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