Downloading an jpeg to harddisk would this be possible?
After five seconds of searching:
I found that also, but doesnt seem to help me with the matter as im really newbie. win32 net apis, com, how do i use them?
I will tell you how I'd do it.

1. Create a WinSock connection to the target server
2. Send the HTTP request for the image
3. Receive response
4. Parse-Response and extract Jpeg components
5. Write to .jpg file.
im quite new to winsock isnt there any api i can use for downloading files?
found this:

but how do i use it?
Try the documentation, or a libcurl forum :)

The Win32API has WinSock functionality built in, if you download a Win32API Guide you should find the required example code :)

Or use this sample code:
From: (also has a WinSock class for you there)
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