New to C++

Pages: 12
Hi, I haven't ever used C++ before. I'm only 11, but I've worked on games for Python with my dad. We haven't found a way to practice graphics, but we've gotten in to a fair amount of the other stuff. I've made from my forst hello world program to a few unfinished text adventure games. I've only worked on one of them completely by myself, and I'm barely at the start of that one. I've used terminal just a little to get a Minecraft server working on a Mac (but I'm not sure if that counts). Anyway, there's a lot more options for game whatevers that I could use in C++. C++ is the program that my dad uses mostly where he works. It;s just that people say "You need to be very experienced to use C++." Do you guys think I have enough experience to start using C++? Bye the way, if you encourage me to start learning C++, then please give me some links where I can get C++, get graphics packages (If it works that way... or maybe I'm just being stupid), or other fun stuff to play around with, all for Mac. :)
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If you want to keep going in the Python direction, you could check out PyGame. It's a pretty good graphics lib made for games.

IMO, Terminal/Command Prompt usage doesn't really mean anything. It might help if you are writing a console program...but otherwise, it doesn't really have a connection.

Tbh, I don't really think you need to be "very experienced"; I myself learned C++ as my first programming language ever. You just need to be able to learn the syntax, idioms, etc.

give me some links where I can get C++

You don't really "get" C++, you (usually) get an IDE and a compiler. This page has some info on IDEs:
I've heard Xcode is really the only IDE on Mac, I dunno though (programming on a Mac is generally...difficult. Or so I've heard)

For graphics with C++, you will need to get an external library since C++ doesn't come with support for that by default. I would suggest SFML:
I'm not sure who you've been listening to. :/

Netbeans, Code::Blocks, and Eclipse all run on a Mac, and fairly well too. As for programming on a Mac, a lot of useful libraries (like Qt, SFML, and Boost) are supported on the Mac platform. Programming on a Mac isn't more difficult than programming on any other system, from my experiences. :)

Hi Vintage,

Firedraco is right, you don't need to be an experienced programmer to learn c++, I'd only ever programmed in visual basic before learning c++, and I hesitate to call VB a programming language at all. C++ isn't easy to learn, especially since you're only 11, and you have to just jump in at the deep end when you start out, but it's a fun language.

This site has some nice tutorials for once you've got an IDE
There's only one way to answer the question "Will I be able to program in C++" and that's by trying it!

Good luck.
Thanks, firedraco, for the recommendation on PyGame. I think I'll try that, but in the future I really aim to go the C++ direction. I'll check out those IDEs or whatever.... yeah!
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Sorry guys... I guess I meant more like being old enough to learn it.
Programming isn't about age, it's about passion!

Well, there are some things in C++ that would require technical knowledge that is beyond the average 11 year old to completely comprehend... but essentially you can program in C++ without knowing those.
Great! :D
closed account (zb0S216C)
Well, if you don't already know, Python can be integrated into C++. However, if you're just beginning C++, this my be a little too much. While I have to admit that Python is a good scripting language( I prefer Lua myself ), it can only get you so far with game development.

You need to be very experienced to use C++.

This maybe true if you plan on making a full-blown game such as Far Cry 2 and Crysis.

For graphics libraries, I would suggest either OpenGL( Cross-platform so it should work on a Mac ) although I'm not too sure about the compatibility of DirectX. If DirectX is available on Mac's you have access to I/O( keyboard, mouse, etc... ), networking, sound and graphics.

This maybe true if you plan on making a full-blown game such as Far Cry 2 and Crysis.

Actually, to make something like that you'd have to be about 50-100 persons and have a few million dollar budget.
closed account (zb0S216C)
Actually, to make something like that you'd have to be about 50-100 persons and have a few million dollar budget.

Not the point. I'm trying to say that eventually, Python will not serve as well in terms of advanced game development. So, he'll have to shift to C++ if he want's to advance.
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Depends on what you call advanced. Panda3D is a python API implemented in C++, and it definitely exposes enough functionality for the average person to use (including shader support and stuff). That way you can get quite far without knowing a single line of C++.

I still prefer C++ though.
Yeah, I think eventually I'll learn C++... soon.
I am not saying C++ will get obsolete soon but in the mobile apps arena, we can see for ourselves Android is getting more popular and it uses Java syntax. It may not make as great as those games in C++ but the dollars and cents speak for themselves.

Big game corporations are already witness-ing the loss of dollars to cheaply made mobile games and the pace it is released as it is smaller and more compact.

While hard-core gamers have their C++ developed games, casual gamers have their simple mobile apps and I can predict the total number of casual gamers will catch up with those hard-core gamers who require more expensive hardware investment in comparison to those mobile devices.
I'd say mobile app type games are addictive. C++ developed games are fun. I want something to be proud of, not something that people like. I gotta like it!
vintage wrote:
I want something to be proud of, not something that people like.

Interesting philosophy. I take it you don't really desire to make your endeavors lucrative at your current station?
So people. I happen to be 11 years old. Can you maybe say that in some way that I might understand a little better? :P
Sorry, figured you were on these forums, so you must understand =)

Don't desire to make your endeavors lucrative at your current station = don't want to make money right now.
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I think it's quite reasonable for an 11 year old not to be interested in making money right now.
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Agreed, it was a question, not a statement.
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