I'm trying to write a C++ program that evaluates the postfix arithmetic expressions (or Reverse Polish notation). I need to design a stack ADT, then choose a concrete data structure to implement the stack ADT as a class. The program should repeatedly prompt the user to enter a postfix arithmetic expression, then evaluate it and display the result. I'm assuming that:
* Each expression is entered in one line.
* There are only four kinds of operators used in the expressions: addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*) and division (/). The symbols in the round brackets are used to represent the operators respectively.
* Each number in the expressions is either an integer number or a floating point number.
* All the numbers in the expressions are expressed using the standard decimal notation (i.e., not scientific notation).
* White space(s) and/or tab key(s) are used as delimiters to separate numbers and operators.
I would like each source code file to have a header comment containing the following information:
File: filename
Author: your name
Date: date created
Updated: dates of changes to the file
Purpose: a brief description of what's in the file
Notes: optional - any additional notes on the use of the file
References: optional - a list of related reference materials
If anyone can help me out here i would greatly appreciate it.
Yes, I would like someone to write this for me. I don't intend to study computer science or any science/engineering, so this is not the same as giving a science student the answers when he/she should figure it out on their own.