i Learned the Basics of C and C++.what should i do next.?

Feb 28, 2011 at 5:07am
i Learned the Basics of C and C++..
whats the best step that i should take forward to be a professional programmer.
what should i learn next..
i am not aware of how system works,i mean which file do what??..what are the files that i should play with...how could i make drivers,socket applications,autorun application,design a frame,how to use images like file,linking paths to the file.
i need help..:)

thanks alot...:D
Feb 28, 2011 at 11:49am

You're asking a lot. Most pros will spend years getting proficient in just one or two of the areas you mention.

To limit the scope a bit, start by asking yourself: What aspect of programming rocks my boat? Flipping bits to turn on LEDs on an embedded system? Creating good-looking GUIs on a PC? Creating very fast, effective programs? Algorithms and data structures? Multithreaded programs? Databases?

When you have found out, spend an hour or ten sifting through the web to find some exercises and material within that field. Most higher-education CS courses have their matieral online, and if you ask the instructor politely, chances are that you may use the exercises - perhaps he will even provide sample solutions...

The key to becoming good is to be tenacious and curious: Whenever you ask yourself "there must be an easier way to do this", there is. Again, search the web for solutions and make sure you understand them. Ask questions if you don't. Don't use anything you don't understand...

If you keep at it, chances are you will slowly expand your capabilities. But don't be frustrated if you feel progress is slow. I'm 14 years in the game now and I can't write a decent GUI program because I have focused on embedded and multithreaded programming.

Best - and stay hungry!

Feb 28, 2011 at 12:12pm
closed account (z05DSL3A)
i Learned the Basics of C and C++..
whats the best step that i should take forward to be a professional programmer.
what should i learn next..
You should probably learn how to ask questions with enough information and detail to elicit a suitable answer. How can we give good advice to ‘I know something, what should I learn now?’
Feb 28, 2011 at 12:14pm
i learned c++...the for c++ scripts are very different for windows programming that i found inside the web...i don't understand the names

..what should i do..what to learn next..where to learn..:

thanks for concerning my question...thanks a lot..:)
Feb 28, 2011 at 12:34pm
i like playing with the inner system files,making application to change how the system works,applications that use connections(sockets)..autorun applications that mostly run at background..i mean to say i don't like graphics,designing gaming...i love to develop core and strong applications that can bring a revolution to the way and targets of using the computers and connections...


i found the definition of what i was trying to say....its kernel mode...i want to develop kernel mode programs..what should i learn to do that...

Last edited on Feb 28, 2011 at 6:07pm
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