Math arc length and points

Lets say I have a circle.
radius = 16
center is point 0,0

i have 1 point on the circumference of the circle.
i know the angle to the point. i know the x and y of the point.

i have an arc length. I want to know how to calculate a 2nd point, or perhaps just the angle to the point, based on the arc length and the data given.
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(L/2*PI*r)*(2*PI) = angle in radians.

is that correct? because im trying to find the angle based on what data i do have. shouldn't that break down to something smaller? i'm rusty on my cross multiplying skills.

L/r = angle in radians?
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L/r = angle in radians?


To find a point on the arc, you can use the equation:
x = a + r*cos(t) and y = b + r*sin(t),
a & b being your center coordinates,
r is the radius,
and t is the angle the arc 'made' with the x-axis

I hope this correct... ;)
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