How to pass a char* string parameter to a function
Feb 21, 2011 at 8:55am
I have a function like this:
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wchars_to_chars ( wchar_t* wchar_string )
// convert wchar string to char string
// see also:
// Article title : "How to: Convert Between Various String Types"
size_t wchar_string_size = wcslen( wchar_string ) + 1;
size_t number_of_characters_converted = 0;
const size_t char_string_size = wchar_string_size * 2;
char* char_string = new char[ char_string_size ];
wcstombs_s ( &number_of_characters_converted,
// see detail of this function at:
return char_string;
By this function, can I pass a parameter and get the result like this? :
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char* cs = "";
wchar_t* ws = "data";
cs = wchars_to_chars ( ws );
I know it can be used like this:
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char* cs = new char [ 10 ];
wchar_t* ws = new wchar_t [ 10 ];
strcpy ( cs, "" );
wcscpy ( ws, "data" );
cs = wchars_to_chars ( ws );
delete [] cs;
cs = NULL;
delete [] ws;
ws = NULL;
Feb 22, 2011 at 3:37pm
ur wchar_t* ws = "data" is incorrect. all widechar assignment needs the letter 'L' in front of it.
this is how u can fix the code.
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char* cs = "";
wchar_t* ws = L"data";
cs = wchars_to_chars ( ws );
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