(1) I'm wondering how to set the decimal point precision for individual variables. In the program I wrote, I set everything to two-decimal point precision. I want it to be 2-point precision for the monetary values, and 0-point (no decimals) for variables like "number of payments." How do I do that? Here is my code:
// This is a program for the monthly payment on a loan,
// that is calculated by the formula,
// Payment = Rate * (1+Rate)^N / ((1+Rate)^N - 1) * L
// Rate is the monthly interest rate, which is annual interest rate divided by 12. (12% annual interest would be 1 percent montly interest).
// N is the number of payments and L is the amount of the laon.
// The program asks the user for these values (Rate, N, and L) for two different situations and displays a report similar to:
// Loan amount: $ L
// Monthly Interest Payment: Rate%
// Number of Payments: N
// Monthly Payment: $ xxx.00
// Amount Paid Back: $ xxx.00 --- we don't know this information.
// Interest Paid: $ xxx.00 --- we don't know this information, either.
// a. Write pseudocode to detail your problem solution
// b. write a program.
#include <iostream> // these parts include the libraries necessary to use
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main ()
double Rate, Payment, N, L;
cout << "Hello. Please input the rate of your loan:";
cin >> Rate;
cout << "Plese input the number of payments:";
cin >> N;
cout << "Please input the amount of your loan:";
cin >> L;
(2) I have these instructions from my instructor, and I have no idea what she's asking. The instructions, I copied out of a pdf into comment form in CSS and I'll just copy and paste from there: (quote)
// Modify problem 2 so that it includes
// a user defined function by the name of paymentCalc.
// paymentCalc should have a heading of:
// paymentCalc(double loanAmt, double rate, int numPayments)
// The program should ask for the 3 values and send them to paymentCalc as parameters.
// paymentCalc should calculate the necessary information and display a report like that in problem 2.
// a. modify your pseudocode to illustrate your 2 functions (main and paymentCalc)
// b. Write a program
9 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.
Additional Details
in (2), specifically, I don't know what she means by a heading. I don't know what "paymentCalc(double loanAmt, double rate, int numPayments)" means, where it would be in the program, what it is, or anything...
The heading, I'm assuming would be the function definition, which would go before your main() function. It would look something like: double paymentCalc(double loanAmt, double rate, int numPayments);
As far as the precision thing goes, add << resetiosflags(ios::fixed) << in your cout statement, before the number you no longer want to be effected by the setprecision().
Also, parameters are the variables sent to a function that you are calling. So you want to call paymentCalc() to calculate the information you need; rate, N and L will be your parameters.