
ok i want to know if there is a way to display text (like a players health) the entire time while the rest of the screen changes.
There is always a way. If you are going purely text based (it's a bad idea, save yourself a lot of headache, because even if you do struggle through problem after problem, you are not learning the proper or even a good way to do things, just don't do it) rewrite the players health every time the screen changes. Write hp:50 over hp:50 every refresh.

I suggest using a graphics package. to make your life easier, produce a better game, and a better learning experience.
Intrexa's right, though. You would be a better idea to use a multimedia library to make your game. Believe it or not, it's not only easier, but it produces better results. :)

Article worth reading on the topic:

what is a good ide besides microsoft cuz i dont really like it
I'd recommend either Code::Blocks or wxDev-C++ (the wx is critical). They're both easy to use and pretty stable.

what is different about wxdev c++ and what i am using now (dev c++) and is it compatible with something like sfml?
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It might not be a good learning experience, but there are still people out there that play text-based games, so don't discourage him.
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