is C++ a good choose for the future market?

I like programming in C++, but my teacher says me that java (and C#) is better for the market, I think here everybody prefers c++, but, is the perspective of the c++ language on the future market good???
C++ is one of the most widely used programming languages today, there's no reason it shouldn't be like so in the near future.
Of course this answer comes from a C++ forum ;^)

C# is great for developing on Windows only. Java is great for cross-platform development and even web applications. C++ is great for developing on any OS. The key differences between Java and C++ are that C++ requires recompilation to run on other platforms whereas Java's VM means Java bytecode does not, however the price you pay for the VM is speed -- meaning that in general applications written in C++ will run faster than apps written in Java.

The computer programming world is far, far larger than just desktop development, and your teacher may be looking only at the desktop development market. Software runs your car, and airplanes, microwaves, watches, TVs, a lot of toys nowadays, gaming consoles, cell phones, and gazillions of other embedded devices. Generally embedded software is done with C or C++ because Java may not provide enough performance and C# is limited to Windows, so unless your embedded device runs Windows, that's not an option.
C++ is number 3-5 in programming languages ranking (use Google).
It means it has a good future.

But I agree with your teacher, he means just that C++ is not the best to start with. It is too complex.
Do what you want to do, don't focus on something because of the money because you might not enjoy it. Try whatever, or analyze what would fit for you and just go with it. If you do C# because of money or whatever reason your teacher gave you, that's like a child listening to a parent about becoming a doctor. Do what you think you would be happier with.
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I'd be happier with more money. :)
I'll continue studding C++... And after look the ranking of the programme languages, i will studdy at least the basic of Java, Python, PHP, C#, and VB...
I have time, I started my university this year (Computing Science - 4 years yet)...
thanks to all for the opinions...
until the next post...
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