Newbie Advice

I have extensive programming experience with javascript, html, asp, some php, basic, Visual Fox Pro, etc... I have been programming for around 30 years and I love it. I do online databasing programming now.

I have the desire to build a screen saver that turns the screen black and has phrases that appear every 6 seconds that slowly bounce around the screen so that it acts as a screen saver and so that the phrases can be read easily.

I have over 600 phrases I want the screen saver to scroll through.

I have never worked with C++ but I have a feeling that C++ is probably a great tool to build my screen saver. What do you think?

If C++ is the way to go, what compiler should I get? I don't want to spend a fortune and if there is a free compiler that works great, I can use that.

I'm hoping someone with lots of C++ experience can give me some practical direction on how to proceed.

though im not a really experienced programmer..but i'm doing all my programmin on dev c++,its a great compiler,simple and FREE!..get it here
closed account (z05DSL3A)
What platform?
I'm using Windows (Windows 7 to be exact).
closed account (z05DSL3A)
One path would be to go .net using C#. I believe that there is a 'screensaver starter kit' that comes with Visual C# express edition (or Microsoft Visual C# Starter Kit).

If you want to go native Windows API, I would recommend Visual C++ express edition. There used to be some sample code for creating scrensavers on MSDN.
Thank you both for your advice. I like the sound of the screensaver starter kit. Roughly, what is the cost of Visual C#?
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express products are free of charge, they just like you to register it.

Some people proffer 2008 to 2010.
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about 500$
and yes grey wolfs link is where i downloaded and it hasnt asked for registration yet!=P
Thanks again! I feel like you got me pointed in a great direction. Have a wonderful day!
closed account (z05DSL3A)
A few more links that may be helpful in the future

Visual C# developer center:
MSDN home page:

and daniweb has a C# forum
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