can I get an opinion on these books. The stl is to advanced for me so I will hold on to it but what about the others. Ive been through full c++ books before just had these stashed away. They havent been touched. I think I bought them ages ago when I bought scott meyers effective series but never got to them. some of them are old publishing wise.
Effective STL meyers
C++ strategies and tactics Murray
C++ programming style Cargill
Ruminations on C++ koenig moo
C++ Strategies and Tactics and C++ Programming Style are a waste of time. Both are relatively old and the few good bits from them are present in just about every other C++ book out there; you won't miss anything without them. I have both of those in a stack at home to give to the library.
ok thanks. im looking through Ruminations right now and most of the first three chapters are why she uses c+ and seems like she is trying to convince a c programmer to switch. im gonna keep pushing through it though and see. I donated quite alot of books to the library myself over the years so if strategies and programming style are that old maybe i will donate them. The local library has all of my mfc books as well.
I have an MFC and Win32 API books in the stack too! I haven't even considered Windows development since school. I've made a living in POSIX user space.
edit* the ruminations book wasnt that good. I started out reading it slow which kinda sped itself up to a skim and there wasnt anything in there worth of interest to me.
Other than Effective C++, there really isn't a prerequisite for Effective STL. Books on the STL typically cover the same information and then some. Effective STL is a condensed book that promotes better use of the STL. You don't have to have a comprehensive understanding of every item in the book.