I'm building a small concept game. The player holds a torch( flash light if you're American ) that requires batteries every time the torch's batteries die. In the game, there will be multiple instances of the DFBATTERY( at least 100 ). I was wondering, should I allocate the members of DFBATTERY onto the heap?
Thanks for the reply hamsterman. The DFBATTERY structure is of type class and has 3 members overall: 2 booleans and 1 unsigned. The structure also has multiple methods.
I was more thinking about the nature of the game itself. I assume it's something where you have to run around in a map and there may be batteries lying in certain places. There are always several approaches. All of them will use dynamic memory at some point. If it's a tile based map, a tile could hold a (possibly null) pointer to a battery. If it's not, you should probably have a list of all batteries and their coordinates.