#ifndef GUARD_Core_h
#define GUARD_Core_h
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class Core
// Friends
frienddouble grade(const Core&);
friendclass Student_info;
friendclass Handle<Core>;
// Constructors
Core(): midterm(0), final(0) { }
Core(std::istream& is) { read(is); }
// Virtual destructor
virtual ~Core() {}
// Virtual functions
virtual std::istream& read(std::istream&);
virtualdouble grade() const;
/*Virtual function: If the argument is a Grad object,
it will run the Grad::grade function; if the argument is a Core object, it will run the Core::grade
/*This run-time selection of the virtual function to execute is relevant only when the function is called
through a reference or a pointer.*/
/*In contrast, a reference or pointer
to a base-class object may refer or point to a base-class object, or to an object of a type derived
from the base class, meaning that the type of the reference or pointer and the type of the object to
which a reference or pointer is bound may differ at run time. It is in this case that the virtual
mechanism makes a difference.*/
std::string name() const;
bool valid() const { return !homework.empty(); }
virtual Core* clone() const { returnnew Core(*this); }
// Accessible to derived classes
std::istream& read_common(std::istream&);
double midterm, final;
std::vector<double> homework;
// Accessible only to Core or friends
std::string n;
bool compare(const Core&, const Core&);
bool compare_Core_ptrs(const Core*, const Core*);
std::istream& read_hw(std::istream&, std::vector<double>&);
#ifndef GUARD_Core_h
#define GUARD_Core_h
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
template<class T> class Handle; // Had to add this to fix it
class Core
// Friends
frienddouble grade(const Core&);
friendclass Student_info;
template<class T> friendclass Handle; // Had to add this to fix it
// Constructors
Core(): midterm(0), final(0) { }
Core(std::istream& is) { read(is); }
// Virtual destructor
virtual ~Core() {}
// Virtual functions
virtual std::istream& read(std::istream&);
virtualdouble grade() const;
/*Virtual function: If the argument is a Grad object,
it will run the Grad::grade function; if the argument is a Core object, it will run the Core::grade
/*This run-time selection of the virtual function to execute is relevant only when the function is called
through a reference or a pointer.*/
/*In contrast, a reference or pointer
to a base-class object may refer or point to a base-class object, or to an object of a type derived
from the base class, meaning that the type of the reference or pointer and the type of the object to
which a reference or pointer is bound may differ at run time. It is in this case that the virtual
mechanism makes a difference.*/
std::string name() const;
bool valid() const { return !homework.empty(); }
virtual Core* clone() const { returnnew Core(*this); }
// Accessible to derived classes
std::istream& read_common(std::istream&);
double midterm, final;
std::vector<double> homework;
// Accessible only to Core or friends
std::string n;
bool compare(const Core&, const Core&);
bool compare_Core_ptrs(const Core*, const Core*);
std::istream& read_hw(std::istream&, std::vector<double>&);
The developer office 2010 efforts behind LibreOffice Office 2007 now co e under the Office 2010 purview of The Document Windows 7 Foundation, Office Professional 2007 reflecting a split from the Office 2007 Ultimate open Ultimate source OpenOffice.org Office 2007 Enterprise project Enterprise back in September. The split Office 2010 Key happened not long after office professional plus 2010 Oracle announced the acquisition Office 2010 Pro of Sun Microsystems, which had overseen Windows 7 Home Premium the open source OpenOffice.Buy org Buy Windows 7 project for a decade MS Office 2007 or Home Premium more, basing the code on its StarOffice acquisition.