Hi. I've been studying c++ for a couple months now, and I've ran into a snag in the book I am using for study, "C++ Primer 5th edition". Its the concept of a linked list used to form a queue. The explanations in the book for this section are jibberish so I've come here for help.
The following is the code copied from the book with my thought process in the notes.
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class Queue
struct Node {Item item; struct Node * next;};
enum{Q-SIZE = 10};
Node* front;
Node* rear;
int Items;
Queue(int qs = Q-SIZE);
bool isempty() const;
bool isfull() const;
int queuecount() const;
bool enqueue(const Item &item);
bool dequeue(Item &item);
////////This method, "enqueue" is where I get confused. This is how I understand it working the first time it is used on an empty queue object/////
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bool Queue::enqueue (const Item& item)
if (isfull()) ///////if queue is full (10) then stop operation
return false;
Node * add = new Node; ////////new Node* structure is created, uninitialized
if (add == NULL) ////if the new allocation failed, stop operation
return false;
add->item = item; ///the passed reference is copied to add's item data member
add->next = NULL; ///add's next pointer is initialized to NULL
items++; ///the items counter is increased to keep track of the queue size
if (front == NULL) //front would initially be set to NULL upon object creation
front = add; //the first use of "enqueue" on an empty queue object
//will always copy add to front
rear->next = add;
rear = add; ///add is currently copied to both front and rear...
///wtf, the next pointer is always NULL? why have it?
return true;
Now, the second use of enqueue is where I get lost~
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bool Queue::enqueue (const Item& item)
if (isfull()) ///same as the first run
return false;
Node * add = new Node; ///new Node* created, uninitialized
if (add == NULL) ///stop if new allocation failed
return false;
add->item = item; //copy passed reference to add's item member
add->next = NULL; //add's next* is set to NULL
items++; //item count is increased
if (front == NULL) //first run applied an address to front, its no longer NULL
front = add;
rear->next = add; //rear previously set to the first run's "add"
//parameters, the pointer is now set to the 2nd
//run's add's next address
rear = add; //rear gets completely overwritten to copy the 2nd run's add...
//wtf is the point of this?
return true;
Aaaaannnd yeah, I can't seem to wrap my head around why this would result in a functioning linked list. Hell, it doesn't even seem that this class could hold more than 2-3 nodes, nothing here makes sense to me.
ANY help would be appreciated. I've checked some other linked list examples via google and they are all pretty terrible-they expect that you are already a pointer master.