Hey im ferly new to C++ but i hawe started to realyse somthing.
And that is if i aint going to make calculators for the rest of my life.
I will need to learn somthing more.
So my qustion to you.
If i want to make lets say a IRC Bot, ore Game,
Ore some app that uses some Windows files ore somthing.
How shude i go abaout doing that?
So my gues is that there are more librerys.
Like MSDN. And OpenGL.
Is there some where this can be explained in more detail?
And maybe a list of lib to study, ore some where they are explained like what they do when to use them kinda thing.
Thanks to all that take the time to answer,
ore even boderd to read the hole thing.
And sorry for my bad spelling i realy try my best.