RIP Protocol in C/C++

Hello all,
i want to implement RIP Protocol in C++
what should i do? is there anyone help me?
who can do this for me?(i pay $50 for that)
we have a number of major Threads as a network node are created. All Threads are running the same programs.
Following is done in the main thread:
1 - the network topology file is entered through the argument. Thread read the file and find the number of network's nodes N .
2 - in a LOOP, produces n Thread and send name of node and exit time to each of each node is any number between 0 ….. n-1 . The terminate time for all except first thread is 4 . first Thread ends in second moment.
3 - Main Thread is waiting for the end of all threads.

in each node the following is done:
1 - Each node will receive name and time of termination through his argument.
2 - file Open the Topology and find its neighbors.
3 – on port 2000 node waiting to receive UDP (update by neighbors).
4 - prepare the first update and sends it to any of its neighbors . turn on the SendUpdate timer and put the next time the send 60 ms.
5 – when timer of SendUpdate is done ,send a version of the routing table to neighbors and the timer is set again.
6 - Upon receive the update from neighbors, routing table is refreshed. If the table had changed, the entire table will be sent to neighbors. SendUpdate timer is set again.
7 - For each neighbor you should turn on a Neighbor-I timer and set it 180 ms . Every time that we received i'th neighbor update the relevant timer is reset. If the deadline of timer Neighbor-I is passed, all directions that next step is "i" they are removed from the table. While the neighboring state i assume is off.
structure of Topology file is optional. but your topology should implement the following network:
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