I'm New Here, and I'm New at Programming

Hello, I am new here on the forums, and new to programming. I'm 22 years old, and I've been on the computer since I was 3. I've heard that by just learning how to program, you just "do it". But I have decided to take a college class for C++ as my first language. I know I could learn it on my own, but I just decided to go this route. I've finished a "Programming Logic" class already. I know there is Visual Basic, which I have messed around with a little bit, but the main language I want to learn is C++. I have heard that it's a flexible programming language. And very good to make games with as well. I could have taken the easy route and went through Basic first, but I'm skipping it and diving straight into C++ because I am an insane individual. (not for REAL)

The main reason I want to program is to make games (same reason John Romero wanted to program, from ID Software). I know it's going to take quite a while, Years. But this is something that I want to do for the rest of my life. I know I'm not going to make the next "Elder Scrolls" game anytime soon, but I want to learn how to create things: stuff people could use as tools, or for fun to relieve their stress from the day. Or maybe even just for myself if I need to.

I thought I would just post this as an introduction to myself, and hopefully I can learn here, along with others. If I get the experience in, I would love to help others as well. I just don't know how active these forums are. I don't even know if I am posting this in the right place, but I AM a beginner.

But if anyone wants to throw some helpful hints at me for anything, please feel free. Thanks for taking time reading this, if you have.

Yeah, don't give up. Progress is slow at first but if you stay focused you'll write more complex programs in no time. And read the homework threads of others. Do their homework cause it's good practice. But of course don't give them the results cause that'd take away their practice.

I agree with hanst99 here, on all of his points. In addition, if you have any questions, feel free to ask here! These forums are usually pretty active, and if your question is well-phrased and in the right section, you'll probably get an answer within 48 hours.

In addition to C++, you'll also need to know how to make the images you'll need for your game. I'll just throw that out there. :)

I agree with hanst99 on his homework note. Some of our greatest posts here are homework "help". If you see one that gives a good amount of info on how the project should be done do it yourself (but don't give it out.) I personally do it all the time.

The most you can do is don't fall into bad habits but don't let it slow you down. If you see people saying don't use system(); then go out and learn the better way of doing what your system() call does with real c++. You're going to make mistakes, you're going to overlook simple errors, you're going to write programs that do nothing more than print "This is my program" but that is the only way you're going to get better. Have fun.
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Thanks for the info! I dont ever give up, I'm just bad at procrastinating sometimes, because I believe that I have ADD. Other than that, I love a challenge. As long as it's not WAY too challenging, like beating a dead horse. lol! :)

edit: and I wont ever give out answers on the homework assignments. I read the "Read this before you post!" section first, before I posted. lol
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