Beginner programmers

Pages: 12
Honestly, that sounds really awesome! However, I havent really learned a programming language yet. I'm about to take a C++ programming class in college so that I can do something like that. I have already taken an Object Orientation (Programming Logic) class already though and passed with a B. I will e-mail you though. Just always have "Kick-A** Dedication" like John Romero said from ID Software! :)
I would be very interested in working with you guys, but whether or not I'm really up to the task depends on what you mean by, "beginner."

I am currently a college student and my relevant experience is: tinkering with python and game maker while I was younger, one semester of Java (A), one semester of Alice (A), one semester of game design (A. . . . it was a kind of crappy class though), and about 10 hours spent learning C++ (eyeroll).

I do feel I have a fairly solid understanding of basic programming concepts though, such as: Classes, inheritance, cohesion and coupling, decision structures, etc.

Anyway, I came over to this forum looking for book suggestions to add to my reading list, and found this.

Like I said, I'm very interested in joining you. My idea would be to get acquainted with what you're doing and how you're doing it, then start catching up. I'll probably be able to spend about 4-8 hours on this per week except for midterms and finals, and any disasters that occur in my life (horrible illness, computer exploding, etc). Once I get out of college for the summer, I'll probably be able to spend more time on it based on how interested I am, so like 10-20 hours most likely, except for any time I spend traveling.

Wish I could say I'd spend every waking hour on it, but I'm pretty sure you'd rather have someone hit the time expenditure that they tell you than to promise more and not deliver.

Not to brag, but I am pretty good at programming, in the sense that I pick it up quickly, and do well at it, or have so far. My English skills are above average as well, and I have actually done a little freelance writing, just putting that out there. :P

Finally, I can say that I'm a lot less likely to flake out than most people. I can't promise it'll never happen, and I might have to at least reduce my time spent on this during parts of the college semester, but I would very much rather learn C++ by working on games with a team of like-minded people, than in my metaphorical basement.

Anyway, hope you'll at least consider me. ^_^

Yakri send me an email please
same with you programing noob
How many people do you think should join your team? Quantity is not always quality. Too big a team is more likely to be counter-productive.
I agree with Metallon.
Although I might be interested in the near future :)
But for now I'm still trying to get some of the more advanced topics of C++ down. (Templates and exception handling), while learning Qt too :D

PS just curious, anyone here who (has) use(s)(d) Qt?
I'm supposed to have learned exception handling before Monday, and I've no idea where to start. My book is a bitch about it :/
Im not ready for anything like game programming but i think looking into mobile game development would definitely pay off.
Sounds great! I'd love to be part of a game development team, if you'd take me. I'm just beginning C++ and my college education had nothing to do with computers (it was pharmaceutical chemistry), but I think I'm coming along pretty good. So far, I've made a messy and buggy, yet playable clone of Arkanoid with SFML, and have been recently (and frustratingly) trying to come up with a Bejeweled clone too.

All in all, I love games, I love RPGs and I love programming. So, what do you say?
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Pages: 12