how display an image in cpp

how display an image in cpp or c without using opensource libraries(opengl,...)
i want use only cpp and c codes
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That's impossible. C or C++ STL does not provide anything that allows you to do that.
Then you have to write it by yourself

I would recommend "openCV" if you want to do image processing
It is quite easy to use and free

cv::Mat = cv::imread("XXX.jpg"); //read the XXX.jpg into the container Mat 
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but i dont want use libraries i want create new image processing lib
please help me
closed account (4Gb4jE8b)
don't. It's too much work for too little reward, again it may well not be necessary. I personally don't know HOW you would even start such a project. I suggest taking stereoMatching's advice, or taking a few college courses specifically on the subject of creating headers/visual c++. Even then, i'd still use the open source code, if nothing else you can always just edit that.
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