I got the entire program to work. However, for some reason, I can not get the program to calculate the occupancy rate. It continues to display 0.00. Any help is greatly, greatly appreciated. Here is the code:
int floors = 0;
int availableRooms = 0;
int maxValue; // To store maximum number of floors
int totalRooms = 0; //This should be my accumulator for rooms
int totalOccupied = 0; //This should work as accumulator for totalOccupied
float occupancyRate = 0;
//Get the number of floors
cout <<"How many floors are there in this hotel? ";
cin >> maxValue;
//Get the rooms for each floor and accumulate the total
for (floors = 1; floors <= maxValue; floors++)
int rooms, taken, occupied=0;
cout <<"Please enter the number of rooms in floor " << floors << ": ";
cin >> rooms;
cout <<"How many of those rooms are occupied? ";
cin >> occupied;
totalOccupied += occupied;
totalRooms += rooms;
availableRooms = (totalRooms-totalOccupied);
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
occupancyRate = (totalOccupied / totalRooms);
cout <<"The total number of rooms for this hotel is: "<<totalRooms<<endl;
cout <<"There are" " "<< availableRooms <<" ""available rooms;"<<endl;
cout <<"The occupancy rate for this hotel is:" " " << occupancyRate <<endl;