Using access database with c++

Hello, I'm doing a project where I'm gonna be making a program with c++ that can get data from an Access database and I'm gonna make it in qt. But I'm kinda newbie and know only a little c++ and a little access so I need to learn. After a little investigation it seems like I need to learn odbc and sql. Is that correct? And would this be a good way to describe the procedures:

1. Write the program in qt
2. Create the database
3. Use odbc-code in the c++ code in qt to get data from access
4. Use sql-code in the odbc-code to determine database behaviour
5. Done

I know it seems like stupid questions, but it will save me from a lot of searching and reading through things that are not relevant.
I also wonder about the odbc thing. Is that a language at all or is it something I need to download or what? And is qt compatible with using it?

I hope someone can help me out with my newb questions, that'd be awesome.

And ps: this is not homework or anything like that.
ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) is a somewhat uniform interface to access a database. You need a library for that which you can download from the internet.

QT (which is also a library to download) provides a build in interface to serveral databases and ODBC. So you don't necessarily need to learn ODBC instead learn about the interface QT provides.

SQL is certainly a subject to learn
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