Making a c++ big project

Dec 11, 2010 at 8:07pm
Hello, i've been reading and learning a lot about c++ and i basically know how to read the syntax and can make a complex program. But i was wondering is there a book you could recommend where it explains how to make a application and projects. Something like with many individual classes and header files.
I'm a student of computer engineering and would actually like to be a application
creator.Please recommend a c++ not java or any other. I'll deal with that later:)
Thanks Regards.
Dec 11, 2010 at 8:27pm
closed account (iw0XoG1T)
I think you might be interested in modeling??
Dec 12, 2010 at 10:34pm
I don't get it The libe thing it says its free yet under it says $.5/min. Anyway thanks for the reply but that is really not what i need. I would like you to recommend me a site or book that's a tutorial on how to make a complex project from creating classes and then linking classes and header files and then maintaining the code. What are all thos data type i see in applications
in linux and in windows . How can i read the code that others made. etc... And thanks for the UML i am getting into that.
Dec 12, 2010 at 10:48pm
What you're asking for isn't something you can learn from a book.

> How to make a complex project.
Well. All project start small and grow in both size and complexity. You need to get some good books on Software Design and Object-Orientated Development to help you design applications that will scale nicely. Become familiar with the Software Design Patterns (on Wiki with examples).

> Creating classes, linking classes etc.
Learn how to use a relatively common make system. I'd recommend something that is easy to use like CMake (

> How to maintain code
Get familiar with source-control (SVN, CVS, GIT) and a bug-tracking system (Trac, BugZille, JIRA).

> What are data types in applications
Get a proper IDE that allows you to easily navigate and preview objects. One that integrates nicely with a debugger will also be highly beneficial (EclipseCDT, Visual Studio, Code::Blocks).

> How can I read code others made
Good IDE, good C++ knowledge and patience. Every developer writes code differently. Some people write code that is very easy to follow and understand; others write terrible code that is extremely difficult to decipher.

This is by no means an exhaustive answer; but it should get you started.
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