I am reading the Stroustrup book. There is a example to find the length of a string held in a char array.
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int length_of_charachter_string_2(char* p)
int i = 0;
while(*p++) {
return i;
I am trying to understand this. I understand the pointer is incremented and then dereferenced, but I am not sure why incrementing a pointer doesnt just run off into memory. Whats the end condition as it dereferences? The Null character? What if a terminating null character isn't present?
Also, when you cout << p, you get the text shrinking:
How does this work? How does incrementing the pointer generate a shorter string/array of characters?
What the statement while( *p++ ) means is that first, whatever p is pointing to is dereferenced. If this value is 0 (NULL) the while loop is exited. If it isn't NULL the address of p is incremented by the size of a character and now points to the next contiguous memory location.
You are correct that the NULL character is the condition that terminates the loop, as I said above.
Your last question should be obvious now. Each time that p is incremented, it is pointing at the next character in the string.
Thanks. So if this wasn't a null terminated char* array i.e. {'a','b','c'}, is this dangerous? i.e. you would walk off then end of the array?
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cout << p << endl;
The reason this gives me for "Fred"
I am assuming is a consequence of how cout handles a char*, i.e. it just prints the string until a NULL is encountered. Again, what if there is no null?