
Draw a simple undirected graph G that has 12 vertices, 18 edges, and 3 connected components. Why would it be impossible to draw G with 3 connected components if G had 66 edges?
Can someone please help me with this problem. Thank you
Are you saying use a piece of paper to draw the undirected graph or you are saying write a C++ program to draw the undirected graph ?
on paint program :D thank you. The problem comes from my study guide for the final so i would really appreciate it if you help me with it.
Oh then you are asking for solutions is it? Then based on solution you use M$ Paint to "paint" your solution ?

Hmmm... I though this is programmers forum?

Anyway I am no comp. sci. graph theory expert so I leave it for others specializing in that area to reply to you.
Alright then thank you anyways :D Anybody able to help provide the solution for the problem?
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