I'm looking for help in how to properly modify my program so that a display message will indicate the number of incorrect guesses that remain each time the user enters an incorrect letter. This is for a program that simulates the Hangman game. Could anyone offer help or suggestions?
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
usingnamespace std;
int main()
//declare the variables
string origWord = "";
string letter = "";
char dashReplaced ='N';
char gameOver ='N';
int numIncorrect = 0;
string displayWord = "-----";
//get original word
do //begin loop
cout << "Enter a 5-letter word in uppercase: ";
getline(cin, origWord);
} while (origWord.length() != 5);
//clear the system
//start guessing
cout << "Guess this word: " <<
displayWord << endl;
while (gameOver == 'N')
cout << "Enter an uppercase letter: ";
cin >> letter;
//serarch for the letter in the original word
for (int x = 0; x < 5; x += 1)
//if the current character matches
//the letter, replace the corresponding
//dash in the displayWord variable and then
//set the dashReplaced variable to 'Y'
if (origWord.substr(x, 1) == letter)
displayWord.replace(x, 1, letter);
dashReplaced = 'Y';
} //end if
} //end for
//if a dash was replace, check whether the
//displayWord variable contains any dashes
if (dashReplaced == 'Y')
//if the displayWord variable does not
//contain any dashes, the game is over
if (displayWord.find("-", 0) == -1)
gameOver = 'Y';
cout << endl << "Yes, the word is "
<< origWord << endl;
cout << "Great guessing!" << endl;
else //otherwise, continue guessing
cout << endl << "Guess this word: "
<< displayWord << endl;
dashReplaced = 'N';
} //end if
else //processed when dashReplaced contains 'N'
//add 1 to the number of incorrect guesses
numIncorrect += 1;
//if the number of incorrect guesses is 10,
//the game is over
if (numIncorrect == 10)
gameOver = 'Y';
cout << endl << "Sorry, the word is "
<< origWord << endl;
} //end if
} //end if
} //end while
return 0;
} //end of main function