so im a starting out comp sci major and ive been learning c++ in class and i have a basic understanding of it...
so i want to do a little side project to learn on my own and the program i'd like to do is this:
-a windowed fullscreen program
-with a background image comprised of a bitmap i have and a smaller bitmap in the top right
-also a text box display some output
-and another text box for user input
sounds basic but i havent learned anything about image loading and im currently looking over some of the source code from this site that uses bitmap loading....
any tips ideas or helpful things for a beginner would be awesome
you would need to go into sfml or something like that in order to do images. If your still basic it might be a good idea to start off even simpler, because imo this sounds a lot more than I started off learning. I'm only in my second c++ class. So maybe just start off with basics like the hello world program, and then gradually work your way up. granted if you are a quick learner the first programs would turn out to be easy and you'll understand them quickly. Just start looking into the basics...
well ive gone over tutorials on creating a window and i think im confident enough but now im trying to go over bitmap loading tutorials and figuring out how to overlay a picture ontop of another picture like a picture as a background would basically cover the entire window then another picture in the top right..... from there i think i can figure out how to put i/o text on top of that.... just a matter of extra curricular learning