Problems with shipment program, assistance needed fast

Hi, I have a program for school and I need help with it. Because my teacher has become absolutely no help and this program is due in an hour and a half, I need assistance quick.

What the program needs and the expected output is here:

Basically the issues now are with Read() and Write() in the Shipment class, and I need to get it to call/write information from the Read() and Write() from the Item class.

I'm also having trouble with the main. The shipment[i].Read() refuses to work for some reason, even though it's working farther up.

If you need anymore info I'd be glad to give it.
This doesn't fix everything, but here is what I see right off. Should get you on your way at least.

Line 267:
Array should be of type Shipment

Line 279:
Should probably be shipment[j].Write()

Line 287:
member function is CanConsolidateWith not CanConsolidate

Line 287:
== instead of =
Alright, I changed those; however, I'm still getting an error at Line 276:

Parse error on line 276: Shipment[i] is not a struct and so you cannot use '.'

I'm not sure what the issue is as it's working earlier in the program (line 192) but thanks for your help.
Lower case 's' in shipment I think.
I think it is lower case, but that's not working either. At this point I'm trying everything and I'm really in trouble as this program is due in 24 minutes and I have major issues with it.
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