Simple program utilizing various things


I am required to write a program that uses input, output, an array of characters, an if statement, and a for loop. Simply put, I cannot seem to come up with anything that requires all five (mainly do to my issues with for loops). While I'm sure I can write it, does anyone have any ideas of what I could do? The program is supposed to be simple, yet with a purpose.


2.Please search in forums.

3.Share with us the code you write.

The purpose of the post was simply to as for help with coming up with something to code based on the perimeters. So currently, I have no code. Additionally, my search did not come up with any results like mine.

Do you want to read and write characters from the file ?
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How about a simple name checker. You ask for an input (string), store it as an array of characters. Then, loop through the array making sure that the beginning of each word (if char == 'space', next char should be capitalized) is uppercase. Then output the answer "Yes, valid name" or "No, invalid name". Extra credit for fixing an invalid name and displaying it too.

Not very useful, but it has a purpose!
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