Sentence: The light blue van drove backwards and forwards posting letters.
Based on the above sentence, can I conclude that
Objects: Light blue van, letters
Properties: backwards, forwards
object: light blue van
method: backward and forward
Letters not consider as an object?
What about this sentence: Eight red swans swam north blowing bubbles
My guess:
Objects: Red swans
Properties: swam, blowing
Objects are nouns.
Properties are adjectives.
Functions/methods are verbs
And I suppose adverbs would be parameters to functions/methods.
So here, "light blue van" would not be an object. "van" would be the object, and "light blue" would be the property of that object.
"drove/drive" would be a function, and "forward/backward" would likely be a parameter passed to the drive function.
I suppose letters could be another object, but it doesn't have any properties.
This is kind of an awkward example though. English language and programming are pretty different.
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Disch, tks for the concise explanations.