I was looking around for a post about playing sounds with the running console, and the easiest way I found is "Playsound" function in <mmsystem.h> library. if anyone knows how to use it please post an example or if anybody knows a better way to play sounds please reply ASAP because my deadline is a week from now. thanks in advance
alright i checked it and the program runs now but no sound is outputted, so please if anyone can post a short program example of using this function on "CodeBlocks" Windows 7 and the wave sound file is only about 180 Kb.
yeah i have it in the same directory, the program i'm working on is a Pacman game it's not finished yet and it's around 700 lines lol so it would be frustrating to read it so i might make a short program and post it with the exact details of the wave file and if you can help me then it would be great