visual C++ 2010 express? Anyone have experience with this program?

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Does anyone have any experience with visual C++ 2010 express? New to this all, I have been using Dev-C++ and found ( in the relatively short time using it) that it is ok and makes sense so far.

It was suggested that I use the "visual 2010 express" .I downloaded it, opened it up, and got very confused!

Any suggestions/ advise?
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Well can you tell us exactly what your problem is, we need more than the fact that you're confused.
That's funny as all get out. I was just laughing my butt off at your last reply to the guy with the lottery wheel gig. :P
You got me on this one. I was frustrated and rushed the question.

OK, let me see if I can explain;
Per my post, I have been using the Dev-C++ Compiler and found that it has, so far, been relatively easy to use, comprehend etc. along with the tutorials on this site (under "documentation-C++ tutorials") but did see a quirk or two. No big deal.

Still just a beginner, I asked others about graphics etc. and how they work together and mentioned the same. It was suggested that Dev-C++ is out of date and to use the "visual C++ 2010 express" and that it is up to date, better for a number of reasons etc. and so I did.

Downloading it caused a few issues, had to recover it twice for what ever reason, then started to investigate.

Granted, I don't know exactly what I'm doing, I investigated and became confused about how to use the program. I don't see exactly how to write a basic (beginners) program ("hello world") and then find the compile button; run button etc. The tutorial that is on the same web site doesn't seem to be written for the compiler or explain step by step with the compiler like the Dev-C++ compiler/tutorial does.

First; do you have any experience with the 2010 express? If so, is it quality? Is its user interface very friendly? Am I just a bone head? :)

Any thoughts? suggestions?

I have been using VC++ 2010 Express since May. I downloaded it from Microsoft and installed it without any problems. I played around with it and was able to compile and run very simple "Hello, World" type programs without problems. However, I was not using VC++ to its fullest because I was using only the console.

In June, I bought a programming book written by Bjarne Stroustrup. In an appendix, he describes how to open new projects in VC++. I was able to do so with only minor problems. He provides all the necessary headers in one file that he explains how to download from his website. Now things are setup to write any type of program with almost any level of complexity. Its interface is very clear with point-and-click compiling and running. The editor underlines compiler errors before compilation and provides a very brief explanation of the error when you mouse-over the underlined word or variable. I recommend it to any beginner.

As for very complex professional style programs, maybe the full Visual Studio IDE is more appropriate.

You mention; "using only the console" , would that be the user interface that appears when opening the program? The one that has " Get started/ latest news" tabs at the top?
No. It would be a command line window in which I sent a program to be complied and executed. I think it is referred to as the console window because it is where cout (console output) send its contents.

I wrote the program in the editor and saved it in the directory. Then I opened the console window and wrote the compile and execute commands. Opening a project properly puts the saving, compiling, and executing commands in menu form. Much easier.

You start a new or open an existing project from the interface that you mentioned above.
Hi hit45, the console window is the window your program will display in.

Setting up an empty project:

1. File > New > Project
2. Select Empty Project and name it
3. Your new project should appear on the left with several folders.
4. Right click the Source Files folder and click Add > New Item.
5. Select the C++ File (.cpp) option and name it.
6. Your new empty file should appear in the window (blank white page).
7. You can now enter your source code. To compile/debug hit F5.

// Typical Hello World Example
#include <iostream>

int main()
	std::cout << "Hello World!";
        return 0;

The window will open and close quickly when the program executes so you will need to do something to keep it up. For now, just use system("pause"); to keep it open, but in the future, as you become more proficient, see this thread for the recommended methods of keeping the console window open
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Hmm!................ I'm frustrated.

I have messed with this for a good part of the day, trying it, stopping, going back, checking the video tutorials, searching for tutorials, opening, closing the programs etc. This isn't a very self explanatory program.
In the past when I started to get into VB with excel and access, I bought a book or two from some very well known authors and the same thing came about. The tutorials or help or instructions didn't match the program in many ways (whether it be the version of computer I was using at the time or the version of the program). The tutorials on express 2010 are for 2008's version and also I still haven't found a step by step instruction that will take me through 2010 yet.

So far, this hasn't been anywhere as easy as the Dev-C++ and using the tutorial instructions on this site.

I'm sure it is a great compiler but like I've experienced with all MS programs, they lack the instructional feedback.

Any thoughts?
I don't think it can be made clearer than Return 0's post. Have you followed it?
Well, it actually worked this time regardless of the previous word for word attempts.
Still, is there an all around quality tutorial or book for this specific program?
There is a few books on using visual studio and C++ just goto the programming section at barnes and noble, Its the hands down best compiler out there. Also once you learn how to use it better, Download and install the plugin VISUAL ASSIT X. it is really helpfull, has intelesense aswell.

And you dont need to use the system("pause");

when you compile your program dont use F5 use CTRL+F5 and it will ask you to hit any key to continue. I use Visual Studio Professional 2010 on a daily basis, Beats the hell out of everything (Altho it is good to be familiar with VIM and G++ for linux programming)
I'm using the free version; "visual C++ 2010 express" . Is there a big difference between it and the "Studio" ?
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There is a large difference between the VS Express editions and Visual Studio Professional. I use VS 2010 Ultimate and VS 2008 Professional. It actually is a pretty self-explanatory program if you use the MSDN tutorials and just play around with the menus. It works almost the same as Dev, but it's just infinitely more powerful with an incredible debugger.
Thanks, I'll check into the tutorials more.
When it comes to keeping the console open after I compile the program, I have found that of the ones that I have seen in the posts from this ;
were confusing for so many replies. I found that using just: cin.get (); was the simplest of them all.

Dont add code to keep the window open, just use CTRL+F5 when you compile, Cant get more simple than that.

Or click the DEBUG dropdown menu, Select START WITHOUT DEBUGGING to keep window open, select START DEBUGGUNG for the program to just run clean through (window will close)
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Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. It can be used to develop console and graphical user interface applications along with Windows Forms applications, web sites, web applications, and web services in both native code together with managed code for all platforms supported by Microsoft Windows, Windows Mobile, Windows CE, .NET Framework, .NET Compact Framework and Microsoft Silverlight.
@firix: when you quote someone or a site, make sure you give proper credit. That's a quotation from Wikipedia:
We do not need to credit.
Our goal is to share

I just thought it would be useful..

The aim is to be not a loan.
I am using visual studio 2010 Ultimate.
Really very good.
I think Microsoft is the leader of this topic.
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I'm new and using all of your suggestions when I can and I appreciate them all, trust me on that one. Return 0's worked fine and others also. I tried some of them in the manor of using f5, crl+f5, and then the debugger button on the tool bar. Some came back still not staying open, others did stay open. I did find for the least amount of effort that, cin.get(); used the least amount of keys and was easier to use per my typing skills and didn't have any extra language at the end of the statement in the console.
Like Return 0 mentioned, I'll learn later why I should and shouldn't use certain ones with what header etc. I know one thing, when I read the first two pages of the 7 of the other thread in Return 0's post he linked to, I was thoroughly confused.
But for now, just learning this code stuff and needing the window to stay open to see what I did or didn't do, cin.get(); works just fine.
I just don't have the money for any books on this stuff yet.
Thanks for all of your help, I'm sure in a 20 minutes or so, I'll be asking more. :P
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hit45: Have you checked out the tutorials and walkthroughs for MS VS2010?:

We do not need to credit.
Our goal is to share

That's a very nice sentiment and completely accurate as far as Wikipedia goes:

However, in most cases you will be sued for copying someone else's work no matter how honorable your intentions are. Especially in America! 8^(
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