What am I doing wrong?

For the following code, I received a very low score. I can't get more specific answers from the teachers assistant, and the instructor has never seen or graded my code this term. It works, but are there shortcuts/conventions I am missing? This is for an introductory C++ class.

#include<iostream> //allows input and output
#include<iomanip> //allows use of set width, which I originally used for spacing
using std::setw; //saves some typing
using namespace std; //saves some typing

void sortGrades(double *grades, int size) //improved form of bubble sort

bool flag = true;
int length=size-1;
double temp = 0;
flag = false;
for (int i=0; i<(size-1); i++)
if (*(grades+i)<*(grades+1+i))
temp=*(grades+i); //switches elements based on value, the meat of bubble sort
flag = true;
length--; //decrements length after element is sorted to save time

} //function prototypes

void evaluateGrades(double *grades, int size, double *average, double *min) //function stores average of array as a variable
{ //and stores the lowest grade as variable min
int i =0;
double temp = 0;
temp = temp + *(grades+i);

*average= temp/size;
*min = *(grades + 9);

int main() //begin function main
double grades[10]; //declare and initialize variables
double average = 0;
int size = 10;
double min = 0;

for(int i=0; i<10; i++) // loop to fill array with grades
cout << "Please enter grade" << endl;
cin >> grades[i];


sortGrades(grades, size); //improved form of bubble sort

evaluateGrades(grades, size, &average, &min); //function stores average of array as a variable

//outputs results
cout << "The grade average is " << average << endl;
cout << "The top 3 grades are: " << *grades << ", " << *(grades+1) << ", " << "and " << *(grades+2) << endl;
cout << "The lowest grade is: " << min << endl;
cout << "The contents of the array, sorted in descending order, is: " << endl;
cout << *grades << ", " << *(grades+1) << ", " << *(grades+2) << ", " << *(grades+3) << ", " << *(grades+4) << ", " << *(grades+5) << ", " << *(grades+6) << ", " << *(grades+7) << ", " << *(grades+8) << ", " << *(grades+9) << endl;
cout << " " << endl;

system("pause"); //pause to see results
return 0; //indicate successful program execution
1) Use the subscript operators...
2) Why no for loop at the end?
3) Maybe system()?

It would be nice to know the grading reqs they used though.
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