ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! heelp with graphics pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!!!!!!!!

closed account (SEbXoG1T)
i know how to make graphics, the only problem is i dont know how to put them in a c++ program
You need to be more specific. What API are you using? What kind of program are you trying to make?

You also need to have less obnoxious thread titles
closed account (SEbXoG1T)
i am just trying to make graphics appear as a start. sorry about the title, have to catch attention
Your question makes no sense, if you know how to make graphics, then that by definition implies you know how to implement them in a program.

Do you mean "i know how to draw pictures using drawing and editing programs like GIMP"..?
i am just trying to make graphics appear as a start.

Again... you need to be more specific.

Are you in the console? Are you working with WinAPI? Are you using any other libs? etc, etc

What kind of program are you trying to make? A game?
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closed account (SEbXoG1T)
i am using dev c++. im trying to display graphics.
Please answer more of the questions Disch asked...like what library you plan to use.
Assumin you want to make a game, I would use SFML. There are tutorials on the home page for how to draw graphics.


If that is not what you're looking for, you need to get more specific.
i am using dev c++. im trying to display graphics.

DEV C++ is an IDE, nothing more, it lets you write your code, compile it, debug it. Nada más

Also it is abandoned, get code::blocks instead
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