Hi i'm pretty new with c++ and i have just started learning about classes and constructors .. Anyway i'm doing an assignment and i'm getting pretty clueless without some help :)
here is what i have done so far which isn't much .. my instructions are this....
if anyone can give me some clues or show me the first step it would help a lot
• For computing the instalment amount
• For computing the remaining principal at a given instalment number
• For computing the interest payable at a given instalment number
• For displaying the payment schedule. Make sure that you format the output nicely
as shown above.
• Implement a function, called by the main function, which allows the user to input the
necessary data. This function should not be a member function of the the Loan class.
class loan
//loan(int PrincipalAmount, double annualInterest, int xInstalments);
int principal,installs;
double interest;
//instalment amount = principal / number of instalments
//interest amount = principal * (interest rate / 12) / 100
//remaining principal at instalment no. X = principal – (X-1)*instalment amount
This assignments last bullet tells you to write a function and specifically not a member function of the loan class as it appears you are trying to do here. Fix that first, then scribble down at least a minimal int main() function and we can help you further from there.