Binary Search Trees

Hello all.

Before I begin writing this program that deals with the insertion and deletion of Binary search nodes, I was pondering on which parameters I need to pass for the different functions. For example, it has been brought to my attention that I need to call a search function before I can execute an add node function, so the compiler knows where to insert the particular node correctly. However, I'm not sure which parameters I need to pass through a given search and add function. here is my struct

struct numStruct
int info;
numStruct *lLink;
numStruct *rLink;

numStruct *root = NULL;

If I want to build a search function what parameters would I need to pass?
Here is my search function code so far...

bool searchTree(numStruct, int searchItem)
numStruct *current;
bool found = false;

if (root == NULL)
cout << "Cannot search an empty tree. " << endl;
current = root;
while (current !=NULL && !found)
if (current -> info == searchItem)
found = true;
else if (current -> info > searchItem)
current = current -> lLink;
current = current -> rLink;
return found;

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