C/C++ Certification

hello friends,

c / c + + Do you have a chance in the certification.specific tests that can be entered.for the system, such as the certificates of microsoft.

Is there such certificates for the software.
If you have friends with information about these certificates.

it shares something with us.
is very good.

best regards.
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You do not have information on this subject is?

Why can not answer this question?
Possibly because we don't understand the question? You need a better translator. :)


why the translator? I could not understand.
Is there a certification exams related C and C++?
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I believe microsoft does.
it depend where u have learn/exam your c++ skill,microsoft will certify you with vc++.i think you should find your c++ part of technology provider to certify u.e.g for me is multimedia with qt,so my certifier is NOKIA.srry 4 grammar
Do you have microsoft exams ?
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