read data from a .dat file instead of my array

I have wrote this code for my C++ class. now I have to move some of my data into a .dat file. I now how to ready and write but I having problem on how Im going to move my data into a file if I already create an array.

Can anyone help with this? I have add some instruction into the code.

* Remove FruitFile structure and its data from this code.
* Create a data file (fruit.dat) and put all the hard coded data that is in a FruitFileData array
* into a fruit.dat file. You will not change any other logic of this code, just read the data from the
* file instead of an array.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

struct FruitFile { // This data structure should be a record in a file
int Type;
int ID;
int Color;
int nTotalSeeds;

enum ColorID {GREEN = 5, YELLOW = 7, BROWN = 9};
enum FruitType {PINEAPPLE,ORANGE};

class CFruit {
CFruit() { }
virtual void GetData(const FruitFile &Data) = 0;
virtual void ShowData() = 0;

char *SetColorName(ColorID Color);
FruitType GetFruitType() { return m_FruitType; }

FruitType m_FruitType;
int m_FruitID;


// Function: SetColorName
char *CFruit::SetColorName(ColorID Color)
switch (Color) {
case GREEN:
return "Green";
case YELLOW:
return "Yellow";
case BROWN:
return "Brown";
return "No Color";


class CPineapple : public CFruit {
CPineapple() : CFruit() {}
void GetData(const FruitFile &Data);
void ShowData();

ColorID m_ShellColor;

// Function: GetData
void CPineapple::GetData(const FruitFile &Data)
m_ShellColor = ColorID(Data.Color); // cast integer to enum
m_FruitType = FruitType(Data.Type); // cast integer to enum
m_FruitID = Data.ID;

// Function: ShowData
void CPineapple::ShowData()
cout << m_FruitType << setw(16) << m_FruitID << setw(20) << SetColorName(m_ShellColor) << "\n";

class COrange : public CFruit {
COrange() : CFruit() {}
void GetData(const FruitFile &Data);
void ShowData();
int m_TotalSeeds;
ColorID m_PeelColor;

void COrange::GetData(const FruitFile &Data)
m_TotalSeeds = Data.nTotalSeeds;
m_PeelColor = ColorID(Data.Color); // cast integer to enum
m_FruitType = FruitType(Data.Type); // cast integer to enum
m_FruitID = Data.ID;

void COrange::ShowData()
cout << m_FruitType << setw(16) << m_FruitID << setw(20) << SetColorName(m_PeelColor) << setw(13) << m_TotalSeeds << "\n";

// Pineapple = 0
// Orange = 1
int main()
FruitFile FruitFileData[10] = { // This data should be in a file

CFruit *pFruit[10];

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
switch (FruitFileData[i].Type) {
case PINEAPPLE: // Create Pineapple Object
pFruit[i] = new CPineapple();
case ORANGE: // Create Orange Object
pFruit[i] = new COrange();
pFruit[i]->GetData(FruitFileData[i]); // call appropriate function

} // end for loop

cout << "Following are Pineapple values\n";
cout << "\nFruit Type" << "\tFruit ID" << "\tShell Color" << "\n";
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
if (pFruit[i]->GetFruitType() == PINEAPPLE)

cout << "\n\nFollowing are Orange values\n";
cout << "\nFruit Type" << "\tFruit ID" << "\tPeel Color" << "\tTotal Seeds" << "\n";
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
if (pFruit[i]->GetFruitType() == ORANGE)

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
if (pFruit[i])
delete pFruit[i]; // Delete appropriate object

return 0;

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