Learning to develop video games

Hello, everybody. I've always dreamed of making my own video games, and recently I've seriously considered pursuing it as a career. I have no formal studies on computer science (I'm a pharmaceutical chemist), but I've been introduced to programming since the age of 12, first in QBasic and then in Visual Basic. I never got beyond basic scripts, though.

I've heard that the game industry uses C++ a lot, so I thought it would be a good language to learn. So far, I've followed a few tutorials up to the Classes sections, and I've been trying out each lesson with simple programs. Also, I started reading Lazy Foo's SDL tutorial (which I -highly- recommend!) to get acquainted with graphics.

So, here are my questions:

1) Am I going the right way with this?

I mean, I'm not sure if C++ is actually the best language to start learning for this purpose. I started out with Python, in which I could get a RPG battle to unfold (at least to calculate the probabilities for hits and misses, depending on the character's attributes and equipment, and a text driven UI), but for my ultimate goal, Python and pygame seemed limited and resource-inefficient (or so I understood).

Also, I don't know if SDL is the library I should be focusing on. Is it too complicated, or too simple?

2) What immediate goals could I set for myself?

What kind of programs could I develop in order to practice programming, before I try to make simple games? What is a good challenge for newbie programmers to test their skills on?

Well, that's it for now. Thanks for your attention, and for any replies. See ya!

Learn C++ very good syntax.
Learn the very best in STL
Learn a very good boost to library.
Please continue to write code.
The C + + Programming Language by Bjarne Stroustrup s definitely read the book.

Why don't you try private servers or premade engines (like UDK). Making a complete (decent) game would atleast require a team (though I wouldn't recommend working alone on any bigger game project).

Online private servers are a good start since those ask for smaller programs/addons . Also serves as a good motivation to continue on what you're doing ,since you can see what your doing.
And if you are interested , there are actually people paying you decent money for small 1 week projects (assuming you got experiance then).

Didn't work with UDK that much , but I think it would highly require a team for that , since it needs a lot of codes to actually get a usefull game.

I myselve am working with a Private Server from a game named Kalonline (MMORPG made in 2003) , which motivated me well enough to start modeling a few years ago, and still is a great motivator for learning C++ atm. It gave me a brief view of what working in a team for a game is like.

Well hope this helped a little :), might not have answered your questions and these are merely my experiances and opinions which I've had the last few years, but thought it might be usefull :)

Btw lots of game projects work with Java aswell , cause it has less trouble with using a same .exe on linux,mac,windows,...

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1) I personally don't recommend SDL, as SFML (Easiest) seems to be a better library for graphics in most aspects... but depending on the complexity of your project, for graphics rendering you may also want to take a look at Irrlicht (Easy), OGRE, (Harder), or CrystalSpace (Hardest).

If you choose to go down the SFML path, you may want to consider contacting Disch (if he has no objections, that is), as I understand he's making a game in SFML and is in general a very helpful person. I can also help with general C++ syntax and semantics questions, should you have any. :)

2) Start out doing some exercises with the library of your choice. Irrlicht, and OGRE I can tell you for sure have tutorials if you look around their sites, and I think SFML also has one. I can't, unfortunately, come up with any immediate goals, as they way you learn and the way I learned probably differ, but I'm sure if you Google around, you could find some exercises (or come up with them yourself!).

Have fun! :D


Thanks for all the answers. I'll look into these options as soon as I can, but for now I have to get going (I'd post my impressions on your suggestions, but I didn't expect to get replies so soon, and I must get ready for work).

Thanks again!
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