Hi everyone.
I'm trying to create a simple c++ program to do complex number calculation.
the basic form is (a + bi) ... (c + di)
the ... part can be filled with +, -, * , or /
i've made the addition, substraction , and multiplication part using operator overloading..
when i tested out the addition, it work properly..
but when i tried the substraction and multiplication, it gave me the same result as addition.
anyone know why? thanks
here is the code for addition part :
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complexNo complexNo::operator+ (const complexNo& complex)const
complexNo temp;
temp.real = real + complex.real;
temp.imaginary = imaginary + complex.imaginary;
return temp;
// (a + bi) + (c + di)
//=(a + c) + (b + d)i
// a = real
// b = imaginary
// c = complex.real
// d = complex.imaginary
and here is there code for substraction part :
i just changed all '+' into '-'.
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complexNo complexNo::operator- (const complexNo& complex)const
complexNo temp;
temp.real = real - complex.real;
temp.imaginary = imaginary - complex.imaginary;
return temp;
//(a + bi) - (c + di)
//=(a - c) + (b - d)i
// a = real
// b = imaginary
// c = complex.real
// d = complex.imaginary
here is the multiplication part :
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complexNo complexNo::operator* (const complexNo& complex)const
complexNo temp;
temp.real = ((real*complex.real) - (imaginary*complex.imaginary));
temp.imaginary = ((real*complex.imaginary) +(imaginary*complex.real));
return temp;
//(a + bi) * (c + di)
//=(ac - bd) + (ad + bc)i
// a = real
// b = imaginary
// c = complex.real
// d = complex.imaginary
and in the main function, i just declare a simple code like this :
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complexNo complex1 (0, 0); //first complex number
complexNo complex2 (0, 0); //second complex number
complexNo complex3 (0, 0); //third complex number
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if (operation == '+')
complex3 = complex1 + complex2;
else if (operation == '-')
complex3 = complex1 - complex2;
else if (operation == '*')
complex3 = complex1 * complex2;
this is not a full code.
i just copy those part where i think is related to the problem.
hope you guys can help. thanks.