
Pages: 12
xorebxebx wrote:
@magfable1: This is your choice of course, but keep in mind this is a C++ forum, and guys at C++ forum will always be biased towards using C++, and they won't tell you about some problems you are going to face, until you are "in".
It's quite funny, because, yes. This is a C++ forum, all people here have chosen to program with C++, we are "biased" for a reason. Go ahead promoting Scala and similar languages, but just keep that in mind.
I do however agree, that C++ is not the best to start with. I myself recommend either GameMaker and/or Python.
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All I said was that as far as I know, and I encourage you all to correct me if wrong...

I really wouldn't know one way or the other... I don't have any recollection of any of his posts elsewhere in the forums, and you may very well be correct on that (probably are, I don't doubt your familiarity with these boards and it's members at all), but I did think he had some good advice in this thread (although, he did not extrapolate on the reasoning behind his "don't do that, do this instead" statement until after it started getting complaints (which was where the actual advice would be drawn from)).

Anyway, I just didn't want to see OP not taking good advice just because of who was giving it...

C++ is quite a complex language but it is down to you if you find learning it interesting, understandable or not. Try it and see. I started programming 6502 Assembler when I was 14 and found it completely fascinating. It all depends on you and what quirks your interest. There is nothing wrong with trying out a simpler language first but don't go away with the impression that anything is beyond your reach. Sometimes things are harder but that only means that they require more time, study and dedication.
so, what you need is a editor and a compiler. the editor is where you write your program and the compiler is what you use to transform it into a program that will run on your machine. if you have a PC and are running Windows then Microsoft have free software called C++ Visual Studio Express which you can download and use for free (there are many others as well).
If you have a Mac i think that there is automatically an editor and compiler in one program (an IDE) which you should be able to find in your applications list (sorry I can't remember its name).
Otherwise if you have a Linux based operating system (not Windows or MacOS) it will automatically come with a compiler and probably an editor (to use the compiler you have to type g++ from the command prompt) and the editor will be called something like gedit, kate or leafpad.
good luck, the best way to learn programming is to get stuck in and start. once you figure out the editor, compiler, command line stuff you will be fine.

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