Game Dev

Ok, I was wondering what were all of the things that one would need to be competent with before he/she would start on developing a simple 2D game or something in that area? What would you need for 3D? Whats a good 3D API to use? Thank you for the help. Its well appreciated.
For 2D, I would suggest competence with SDL or another 2D game engine or WinAPI. And I would also suggest competence with functions, classes, a little polymorphism (not necessary but helps) at LEAST. For 3D, I would suggest using OpenGL. As far as I know, it's the most commenly used and maybe the best. I don't though, I don't do 3D graphics.
2d: SDL or SFML
3d: OpenGL, Ogre3d, or Direct3d
great answers someone should just stick this question at the top. I see it answering a lot of fools, like my self, problems.
Well I would recommend you have a basic understanding of:

-The essentials Logic, loops, pointers, arrays, references, functions, and all the basics.

-Classes and Structs
>>Along with classes and structs you should understand inheritance (simply because it makes writing the code degrees easier) and the topics that come with it.

-You will need some knowledge of how to actually address the screen in some way other than the console, so look into libraries like SDL (my favorite), or SFML, or Allegro, or a platform specific API, such as *shudder* WinAPI.

Basically you should be able to do anything inside c++ so you have the ability to do anything within the game realm.

Now I hate to blatantly advertise myself like this, but I do know somewhat concerning what I'm talking about and check out my game here
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