project c++ experience

I have not an c++ work experience and therefor I want to write one project,within I can use many c++ tools and feauteres.I need your advise for choosing os(before now I use windows),because I don't know wich os is more popular and usafull for c++.
And I think I need c++ oop example to.
If you have any advise connected to choosing project , I will very grateful.
closed account (3TkL1hU5)
Depending on your level of C++ experience these should keep you busy for a while:

As far as OS goes it's mostly personal preference.

Windows works perfectly fine for developing C++ programs.
You can run C++ on any OS. Personally I love Linux because it was written by programmers for programmers. But each to his own.
closed account (3TkL1hU5)
edit: fixed my fail.
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