errors with a class program

I need help trying to fix the errors in my class program. The comments to the sides are the requirements for the program. My compiler says that there are a bunch of things undeclared. I am new to C++ so please don't be too harsh on me. I am suppose to print out the initial value of age & price and the modified value of age & price. Any help on trying to run this program would be very helpful.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
Class Vehicle {
int Age; //The age of the vehicle

float Price; //The price of the vehicle

Vehicle(int Age=0,int Price=0.0;) //default constructor sets age=0, and price=0.0
~Vehicle() (Age=0,Price=0.0;) //destructor sets age=0, and price=0.0
setAge(int Age); //Takes an integer parameter, returns nothing
setPrice(float Price); //Takes a float parameter, returns nothing
int getAge(){return Age;};// Takes no parameters, returns the vehicle’s age
float getPrice(){return Price;}; // Takes no parameters, returns the vehicle’s price
int main()
Vehicle x;
cout << "Initial value for x: " << endl;
cout << "Age = " << x.getAge() << " Price= " << x.getPrice() << endl;
cout << "Modified value for x: " << endl;
cout << "Age = " << x.getAge() << " Price= " << x.getPrice() << endl;
return 0;
For starters, it's "class" and not "Class". C++ is case sensitive.

Vehicle(int Age=0,int Price=0.0;)

That is incorrect. The correct way to do it is: Vehicle(){ Age = 0; Price = 0.0; }

~Vehicle() (Age=0,Price=0.0;)

That is incorrect. The correct way to do it is: ~Vehicle(){ Age = 0; Price = 0.0; }

setAge(int Age);

You need to give this the void return type for it to return nothing. Also, this needs to be defined; this is only a declaration.

setPrice(float Price);

You need to give this the void return type for it to return nothing. Also, this needs to be defined; this is only a declaration.

int getAge(){return Age;};

Remove the semicolon after the }

float getPrice(){return Price;};

Remove the semicolon after the }

PLEASE read this:
PLEASE read this:
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