Free C++ complier

Is there any good C++ compliers that I coudl downlaod for free off the Internet? I'm cirrently using DEV BLOODSHED and it's giving me alot of problems with giving me details during compiling.
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Dev C++ uses an archaic version of MinGW, which explains all your problems. GCC however is a pretty good compiler collection, and I do recommend getting the newest version of MinGW for your compiler.

EDIT: Or Microsoft Visual C++ Express.

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thanks a bunch.
I suggest Code::Blocks, it's free and downloadable off the internet.
I just downloaded Code::Blocks, and its working beatifually.
there you go, Also I would consider Eclipse. but it should be noted that it's NOT user friendly AT ALL. so until you feel comfortable enough to want to switch, stick with Code::Blocks.
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closed account (Lv0f92yv)
Eclipse is awesome, IMO. It has tons of features that make things go quicker (autocomplete, refactoring, etc). My fav - code formatting and custom code style and on the fly code formatting. It's well worth the learning curve (there are a lot of features to it, so it takes a bit to learn).
@Desh: You use Eclipse too? nice! It's the one I use and it's useful for big projects.
closed account (Lv0f92yv)
Yes it is - I use for Java and c++.

Switched from MSVS a year ago and never looked back. Awesome project management tool as well.
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
I have a question. Why is it that even though we have probably five or six articles on this explaining what a compiler is, what to get, etc. they always get suggested something that isn't even a compiler and leave the topic thinking Code::Blocks or Eclipse or something is a compiler?

Code::Blocks is NOT a compiler, when a newbie posts a thread about it, either redirect him to a respectful article or be clear about what you are suggesting since it really does matter and helps ease up the confusion little by little. How embarrassing is it to be asked what compiler you use and respond with "Code::Blocks"?
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closed account (Lv0f92yv)
Good point.

Compiler, I would (and do) use GCC/G++.

@computerquip: you're right but when new people say compiler, they generally mean IDE. therefore, saying MinGW (or whatever you may think is the best) won't help them. but you're right i concede to your point
Yes becuase I had a problem with my Dev Bloodshed's complier. It wasn't giving me the details of error reports. Just switched to Code Block very good decision.
I thingk Dev_C++,it is easy to use.
closed account (Lv0f92yv)
To further computerquip's point - compilers are not IDE's, and IDE's are not compilers... So I apologize for contributing to some possible confusion there.

Compilers (GCC/G++, MinGW) are the tools that generate machine code from your .cpp code (and produce your executable/binary file).

IDE = integrated development environment - this is separate from a compiler and does not do the same thing. An IDE (Eclipse, CodeBlocks, Dev-C++), is the tool you use to write your code in. You could consider notepad an IDE.... though I don't know anyone who would.

You can use many different IDE's with different compilers (in that the 'run' or 'build' buttons in these IDE's fire commands to a specific compiler that does the compiling). The IDE Eclipse, for example, allows you to tell it which compiler to use (and you will need to download that compiler separately to use it). Eclipse would then execute that compiler with commands telling it to compile whatever code is in the 'workspace' eclipse uses.
Dev C++!?! No wonder you want a change.

And if you don't have a problem with pirating then you could always do that.
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