i cant even find its header file anywhere?!?
i've used it in turbo c++..header file being graphics.h....n have written many programs using it too..
i just wanna know the syntaxes..and way of implementing graphics in ubuntu c++
The BGI graphics library is an old, DOS system graphics library. It only works on PC systems running DOS or Windows.
You might want to check out Allegro, which does very much what you want and is cross-platform to boot (meaning it will work on your Ubuntu). http://alleg.sourceforge.net/
thanks but i live in a hostel and here i'm not able to download this thing
i'm trying to use the EzWindows.....can i get any data about it smwhere on the net?
Unless you want to write your own BGI graphics library, you must download and install something. If you are using Ubuntu at your hostel, this is OK so long as you have space for it in your user directory. The other option, of course, is to ask the sysadmin to install it for you.
If you put it in your own user directory, you must tell the compiler where to look for the library include and lib files. You'll need to set your LIBRARY_PATH and CPATH environment variables. (You can modify this with the ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile files in your home directory.) http://itsanimesh.com/2009/01/08/c_graphics_in_linux/