what are these errors?

hello can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong here? when i try to build this i get two errors; : error C2059: syntax error : ';' and fatal error C1075: end of file found before the left brace '{'

This is the problem I am attempting to solve:
Design and write a C++ program that inputs a series of 24 hourly temperatures from a file, and outputs a bar chart (using stars) of the temperatures for the day. The temperature should be printed to the left of the corresponding bar, and there should be a heading that gives the scale of the chart. the range of temperatures should be from -30 to 120.

here is what I have so far.

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream> //This is for input and output of the file
#include <string>

using namespace std;

const string stars = "*";
const string line = "|";
int main()

int count;
float temperature;
string fileName;
float negative;
float positive;

cout << ("Enter file name: ");
getline(cin, fileName);

if(temperature == negative)
cout << "Can not open the input file" << endl;
return 1;

if(temperature == positive)
temperature= 0;
while(temperature <= 120)
count = 0;
while(count <= temperature)
cout << '*';

cout << endl;
return 0;
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At the end, did you mean } instead of { ? Also, I think you're a few } short, but that's just a hunch.

Also this:
Did you mean:

Thank you so much, I mis-typed count and put cout+. So that solve that error.
Still dont know what is up with the braces error. I did change the last '{' to '}'

This is all greek to me...I am just learning all this and it is confusing to me.

Again...Thank You so much!
Ancient greek's a fun, well known, perfectly understandable, and not at all dead language. What are you talking about? ;)

By my count you're two closing braces short.

Oh wow, well any greek is 'greek' to me. lol

Thanks for the info!
can you please tell me what this error message means

Run-Time Check Failure #3 - The variable 'temperature' is being used without being initialized.
Run-Time Check Failure #3 - The variable 'negative' is being used without being initialized.

And how do i initalize this?
It means you need to give it a value. In your code above, you never set 'temperature' or 'negative' to anything. They could be any value, it's just left-over memory until you set them to something else.
Thank you LB.

I know that I wasn't directly told do not ask for help. I did receive one email that suggested I should already know all this. As I said earlier this is my 2nd program to write and I suppose I do overlook some things.

anyway thank you again. have a great day!
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